We take positive action for the environment…
· We recycle paper and cardboard
We recycle glass
· We recycle plastics
We collect our food waste and use it in our worm farms, and we give some to Mrs Duff for her chooks, and we give some to Mr Cribb for his compost
· We collect yoghurt pots, wash them and reuse them as pots in the school nursery
We don’t waste energy
· We have Power Rangers who check lights are off at lunchtimes and give out energy saving choice tokens
We have litter patrols to help keep our school grounds tidy and healthy
· All classes have an envirojob e.g. keeping the paper fadge areas tidy, checking that there is no GOOS paper in them, removing any incorrect waste from them and flattening boxes to put in them
All classes have a class garden to care for
· We have a school nursery where we grow plants
We have compost bins to produce our own compost
· We have school vegetable gardens
We have a school orchard
· We don’t waste water
We have Enviro Action days
· We have the Envirokids who learn about ways to care for the environment
We have the Green Team who learn about gardening and lead lunchtime nursery activities· We encourage litterless lunches and we give out litterless lunch choice tokens
We have GOOS boxes in every classroom· We recycle cans- steel and aluminium
· We collect can tabs to support raising funds for dialysis machines
· We help to keep the Makino Stream walkway area litter free
We grow trees for the Trees For Survival Programme
· We have a Wilderness walk with weta motels
We have an Envirokids blog to spread the message about caring for the environment
· We have a Green team blog for learning about plants
Soon to happen
· Water Patrol
· Geckos
To plan this year
· Mulcher machines
· Water tank