Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trailer for 'EARTH' movie

Please watch this movie! Everyone who sees it loves it. You will always remeber parts of it. This planet of ours is simply amazing...

For the Children- A song

This songwriter has written a song he felt needed to be written to help the environment.

Do you like it?

Enviro wise students at an Australian school

Students at this school are asked to talk about the enviro wise things they do at home and at school.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Amazing fact...

Only female bees sting!

Water Clocks

Check this out-

  • water clocks do not need environmentally unfriendly batteries or electricity

  • you fill the tank with water and some lemon juice

  • there are two metal electrodes inside the water tank

  • water ions create a charge between the electrodes

  • this makes the energy to run the clock

  • you just need to refill the tank every few weeks

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sailing in a boat made of recycled plastic bottles!

David de Rothschild is making a boat out of 100% recyclable plastic bottles and will be sailing 10,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean. He is an amazing environmentalist.

The First Lady in America Planting a Garden with School Kids

Watch the First Lady, Michelle Obama, who is planting a kitchen garden with American school children in the grounds of the White House.

Useful Tips for Going Green

Here are some useful and simple ideas for helping the planet.
How many of these things do you already do?
What new thing could you try out?
How can you spread these ideas to your friends and family?:


It's not just us that hate litter!

Litterless Lunches

A message from Sophie, Room H Envirokid

If you love the environment and want to make the world a better place to live in you will bring a litterless lunch to school each day.

You will make a difference to the world if you bring a litterless lunch every day.

Every Wednesday we have a litterless lunch draw. You can get a fruit kebab or some popcorn.

We like people that bring litterless lunches!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Giant Blobs

Read this in the paper- sounds very strange...

'Giant blobs of jelly-like mucus are spreading in the Mediterranean Sea, threatening marine life and posing a potential disease threat to humans, an Italian study says.

The marine mucilages, which grow in warmer sea temperatures, are said to attract bacteria and viruses, including e-coli.'

NZ Herald, 15 October

Karori Sanctuary

The Karori Sanctuary is in Wellington- really close to us for a weekend or school holiday visit. It's a bit like Mt. Bruce where lots of us visited last year.

There are signs of spring at the sanctuary now. Kowhai trees are flowering and the kaka are feasting on the kowhai flowers.Hihi are laying eggs, bellbirds are being banded, shags are feeding chicks and the saddlebacks have been seen building nests.

Did you know...
One of the kaka was taken to the Wellington Zoo hospital earlier this year because it had been suffering from zinc poisoning.He's fine now thank goodness.

Check out the website for the sanctuary