Monday, September 18, 2017

The Chicken Coop is occupied again..

On Enviro Action Day we had two amazing visitors to Rm I. Two week old lambs. Thanks Ella and Fynn.

What Happens to our Milk Containers?

After we have drunk our school milk daily what happens to the packaging we fold up?

Recycled School books and roof tiles...

How to recycle our milk packets...

What happens at the Waitoa milk factory?

Keep Feilding Beautiful Rubbish Monster Competition

On Enviro Action Day we were busy constructing taniwha paru- rubbish monsters from trash. What wonderfully imaginative creations from our classes. Just goes to show that trash can be reused to make amazing enviro artworks.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Thank You Yarn Bomber!

A huge thank you to Atisha super knitter who has been yarn bombing our school again. She is so clever and talented. We really love and appreciate all the knitting she has displayed around our school. The Enviro Kids adore the chickens!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Enviro Kids, Enviro Message

We were reminding ourselves of all the wonderful ways we look after our Enviroschool!